The transportation of transplanting

One transports plants from the nurseries. One transports ideas from the nurseries. One transports transplants in and out of the garage . One transports transplants and nursery to the designated bed to try out different scenarios. And again one shleps the now full containers around because one is transported to another world where one can try all kinds of (im)possiblities. i.e.) well behaved dogs live there! The cement blocks are place savers for the arbor. Then when all the what ifs... are tried one moves on to the next place of transport. I need to find a place for my faeries. I shoulda put the ferns further under the deck. I want a water feature under the down spout.; kinda cascading levels of overflow. Course who will be out looking when it rains!!! vbsigh and the next. This blue garden spot will be an oval, about 7' x 21'. There will be a path between it and the saskatoon ...