
Showing posts from May, 2019

The transportation of transplanting

One transports plants from the nurseries. One transports ideas from the nurseries. One transports transplants in and out of the garage . One transports transplants and nursery to the designated bed to try out different scenarios.  And again one shleps the now full containers around because one is transported to another world where one can try all kinds of (im)possiblities.   i.e.) well behaved dogs live there!  The cement blocks are place savers for the arbor. Then when all the what ifs... are tried one moves on to the next place of transport.  I need to find a place for my faeries.  I shoulda put the ferns further under the deck.  I want a water feature under the down spout.; kinda cascading levels of overflow.  Course who will be out looking when it rains!!!   vbsigh and the next.   This blue garden spot will be an oval, about 7' x 21'.  There will be a path between it and the saskatoon ...

creative garden 5/24/19

 This is the view through nw windows.  Plums are blooming in John's garden.   New Book and she recommends a weekly record of how one's garden grows! Ferns are up on the south end of deck. The white garden.  looks like heuchera will do well.  Peony and the iris also. Totally unnecessary to bring the saskatoon as we have so many on the property but it has flowered already. The Pagoda Dogwood made hubby shake his head last fall but I just knew it would come through.  Luv it! The blue garden has monk's hood up and flourishing.  Then the crocus the kids planted last fall sprouted.  Now the fern is showing as well as the hosta!  Looks promising. And of course hubby's garden.  This is an unexpected front garden which is an experiment to see if it will be better than the side garden. Cool and rainy but trees are moving towards GREEN!

From garden whisperer to Shouter! C'mon spring!

Darn cool weather.  But, the trees are actually budding.  I am inside dreaming of a warm spring! The grand kiddies and I were doing a walk about on the weekend.   We shall leave the drainage to the guys.  the girls and I are planning the colour wheel beds. We did visit a few nurseries but it has been frosty at night  and I neglected to get enough potting soil so I have only done a couple of containers.  The deck is ready for those warm fuzzy moments! Now I do have some other things I can work on that are somewhat garden related.  I have challenged myself to do this small wall hanging that I started in 2000 at The Manitoba Prairie Quilter's Reflections quilt show.  It has languished mostly because I didn't want to wreck it and that led to paralysis!  But spring eventually comes and hope springs eternal so I am really hoping....

Going Green

 The trees have yet to unfurl their buds but the May long weekend approaches.  So the trees and transplants are in their gathering places.  It is always SO tempting to concentrate on my white garden especially as the other planting areas aren't really ready.  But I need to give some attention to the containers that will only increase as maintenance and aging loom on the horizon. The garden shed was completed last fall except for the door and window.  All the 'stuff' was shoved in before the snow fell and now the doorway is ready to eject all the paraphernalia.  I am thinking my blue garden bed will be next. Last year's planting of crocus bulbs are showing green shoots.  The new dog, Maya, hasn't bothered that section of the yard as of yet. My dear hubby, the grand gardener,  is now my new landscape assistant and I am delighted to find that he is catching on to the inevitable scourge of design that involves do it, change it and do it ...

Dressing the Creative Personality

When I knew we would be selling and moving I determined to jump start some changes in our lifestyle. What would age appropriate  dressing look like? I had no idea when I pressed the enter search button that such a fun journey was about to begin!I started with Out with black and frumpy and I learned buckets. We change as we age!  a novel idea to me.  From a high contrast winter palette to a medium/low summer.  And I have to admit the bright high contrast palette always stressed me a bit.  Hindsight should have told me that less contrast suited my personality better but I was a traditionalist rule follower way back then.. I have gotten more feisty as the white hair overtook the brown. Learning how to be a fashionista chic has been a slow but upward climb and now I am a selfie queen! Not to show the world-  GASP;  but to study myself because mirrors distort and photos don't lie!   Joining the style club has made me knowledgeable en...

The Creative Closet

Really cool spring here but I think I see some change happening in the spring clothing!  Yes, I do think Nature changes her clothes so why not moi! Spring closet cleaning! Double bar closet and the top bar (unseen) is my neutrals. I have eliminated most blacks and now that I am seeing way too much dark grey I will be adding more medium/light neutrals.  I sort using the colour wheel.  As a petite I look better in monochromatic colour schemes but I am thinking of upping my game by leaning into analogous colourways.  I tend to favour medium to low contrast levels and the visual display keeps me from straying too far one way or the other .   This spring I decided to separate the colours with some small hangers that I attached scarves to and hooked a card over to help me remember combinations and bright ideas.  If I was super organized I could print outfits that work  and attach them to the card.on the hanger.   but... ...