I have a tendency...


I think we leave grade 12 terribly deficient.  I mean diagraming sentences,  mathematical theorums, the number of molecules in water and the ingredients for tuna noodle casserole are not going to cut it.  We need a bit more elementary psychology and not the type magazine quizzes offer to tell you what kind of fruit one is.  If we understood we are all different in spite of uniform uniforms and lock steps; if we understood that not only do we look different but learn differently; and if we understood the why of what completes the teacher's pet as well as the class clown, we might walk through life with a few less stumbles and far less bruises. 

Full disclosure- I do not have a diploma except from the School of Hard Knocks and seems I am still working on my Phd! 


How come I have a lovely playroom and NOT a roomful of completed projects to show for all my playing?

I have always thought of myself as a procrastinator.  But this isn't really the whole picture.  I really don't put off doing projects.  But I DO put off finishing projects. Now that I have identified the 'tendency', I will be taking steps to fix the problem.  Moi!!!

Time to get out that very helpful book and remind myself  that the Obligers are a large group and I am in good company.  


 We meet outer expectations but we resist mightily inner expectations that oddly enough we impose on ourselves.  I will....  but then I just don't!  What we need is accountability. Thank goodness I married a rare Upholder who wouldn't dream of breaking his word to himself and helps/imposes external controls.  His planning meetings have proved invaluable for me.

But much as I do like to journal, this blog also helps with getting things done.  After all I do need something to blog about.  


I also tried a free two week trial of NOOM.  Its a diet and the only other diet I ever tried was the grapefruit diet in high school and I can't say that was successful.   Their philosophy is to get  understanding (psychology) along with weight loss.  I now know what kind of eater I am, what triggers I succumb to and that one can actually change negative triggers to good ones.  Habits can be changed!  Hello!!!  Although the program does have 'outer accountability'  I don't think I want to commit to monthly payments to lose 15 pounds  but the trial has certainly changed some wrong thinking.  

And this is really about habits.   I want to make a habit of finished projects.  

I needed an apron.  I downloaded a neat pattern.  I printed it out.  I chose a great fabric and cut out the pieces.  I sewed away and then.... (scary music)  it fell by the wayside and is buried in some pile.  

pst!  There are filers and pilers.  Guess what I am???  lol

Good grief!  two seams to finish!

In the interest of moving forward I shall designate the last post of the month to finished projects.  

This just frustrates my frugal supervisor who gasps but I bought colour coded clipboards to list any projects on and I hope to have lots of things ticked off for those Finished Fridays! 

Oh, first up is to finish reading my book!

Please hold me accountable!!!


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