Summer's Supervisor

My Best Man has several gifts that he brought to the marriage table.  Some I knew about and were the reason why.....  Some became more evident to me as time passed. Some have 'intensified' over time.  He is a natural supervisor, one step ahead of the workers and has the long range goal squarely in his sights.  The summer projects are planned the season before and sometimes the year before. And, vbsigh, he has only one less than perfect worker (sometimes two) to supervise now instead of 35 so I sometimes look a little haggard!  Mind you, when all the grand kiddies are here he feels like he is herding cats!  lol

This month's schedule is My Projects.  And he has even brought in that other worker!

We start the morning planning session after his walk about which is a lot longer and more detailed than my saunter around the main path.  We review the previous day's progress and itemize the current day's goals.  Some warm up exercises follow since health and safety are always on his mind and then breakfast where he keeps a sharp eye on the clock.  Lets just say the coffee doesn't get cold!

Side yard trellis!

In spring he laid in the supplies.  But the 'designer' (moi) always tweaks the plan! He scooped up the last two posts when he got the gravel.  Who knew there would be a lumber shortage caused by all the social distancing 'do it yourselfers'!   Careful math to place the posts that will carry the trellis and its vines and stand up to the winds.  He suggests a mid line post for the clothesline.  Who am I to argue with common sense not having any myself! 

The gate posts needed some adjusting and the gate itself is still to be determined. Whimsical metal may not be in the budget!

The corner led to some heated discussion between designer and contractor and resulted in trip for those last two posts. Compromise is good.  small sigh!  Small sigh because designer miscalculated height of clothesline and height of the clothes line user!  I got a brilliant (I think) idea and contractor is off swearing someplace in his workshop!  Design work is in progress!  hint- think old telephone poles!

And another boardwalk!
 The best solution for the long wall of the garage is another boardwalk that really is a pathway to the raised beds and out back to 'The Village'.  There are no more of the pavers that circle the house.

  Josh was so pleased to do that post all by himself.  Go Team!!!  When he isn't working he is stretching out to see if he can push the pedals of our helper, John, dear!  For riding the lawn mower he needs some extra weight to keep the seat down and motor running!  ah, more coffee breaks needed!  lol

So far...

The trellis bed is smaller than I imagined but the dog thinks its about right!

The faerie lights need tweaking but the hostas are happy!

Now to get my lathes stained as the supervisor is tapping his clipboard! 

Oh and his winter plan suggestion is another 15minute exercise session mid afternoon but I am thinking to file a complaint with my union!


  1. Elle, this is such a sweet way to describe all of your work and everything is looking GREAT!!!
    Keep it up!!


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