I'm figuring a creative future
I have done some spring cleaning. I have also done some spring dreaming considering it is still too cold outside. I have read too many books. I have joined several free online classes. I have ordered a few, maybe more that a few, supplies. I have cleaned my playroom and messed it all back up again. I have started at least half a dozen new things after almost vowing not to do that anymore and have I have finished none. Winter is past and I just know That Dandelion is just waiting to be the first fruit of many. Spring will burst forth in all its green glory and I will be torn between my playroom and my playground.
I did the 30 day Closet Shopping Collective every single day and I have got new looks for whenever we can get out and about although lots are just the casual around home kind of ensembles.
I got through all the videos for the Sketchbook Revival and learned a thing or three! In fact it brought to the fore my luv for making Journals! It was the one video I immediately went down to my playroom and made room to do and most importantly finished. Now I can add to the basic pages.
In fact the presenter's style is so in line with my own vision that I am very, very close to pressing the join button on her site. This photo is Kaylee Grey's Get Messy journal. luv! It involves a membership fee and I am counting the cost and my attention span. I have resisted all the offers from old and new Pandemic opportunities. I am trying to remember that dandelion and all its friends!
Rather than join a new class I went back to one I paid for before we moved to Sundown. A Tree Journal! I am doing the steps, one at a time before I peek at the next lesson. I am quite enjoying it. When I am tempted to forge ahead before completing the assigned step I look at some of the short free videos on the site.
And I found my elusive personal paint palette. The lead in photo showed her personal paint pots. That wasn't the lesson shown but a bit of sleuthing and I figured out how she did it! I am pumped!!! I have always been drawn to the chalky finish of pale muted pastels.
I am also very focused on fine tuning my artistic style. The fabric for the spring living room quilt is very much my design style. I printed out some of the fabric on the printer to remind me. I can't wait to make this into a quilt.
I have mastered printing out sewing patterns and after splattering paint on one of those 30 day selfies, I may be tackling an apron! This pattern company was not as user friendly as my first PDF pattern. I printed the darn thing and the test square was off. It took a bit to change the percentage. I am thinking a wild black and white graphic print will only be enhanced by my messiness!
The Paris quilt is closer to being a finished top and I am not sure I can actually take credit for resisting the urge to start 2 other spring quilt projects.
I have much to do before I venture out into our property paradise. Unfortunately my dear gardener couldn't wait and started cleaning up in the bush. Apparently there is a snake in paradise. Hubby has now been formerly introduced to poison ivy! :/
How does a creative feature look? Time will tell.
Wow....you have been busy being creative!!! I love the color palette!!