Creativity Office
I have been spending time with my first cup of coffee in my newly organized desk area. :^)
We ended last week with a big mess on the desk. I began to sort and what didn't actually go into the circular file went in a designated spot.
I got things in place then decided to really do it up and organized my memorabilia in individual baskets.
Then I was dismayed to discover an whole lot of journal stuff for small 3 ring binders. My individual family ones are two hole. Ah, I had made the grand kiddoes ones a few years ago. Did they want more stuff??? YAY!!!! So I spent a day making up three kid specific bundles. That got rid of much!!!
All this made me rethink how I actually like to journal. This is a good thing as I won't be buying supplies that don't work for me. Yay! Done. hmmmm
And that left one last place to deal with. The shelves in the old counter. I had given each grand student 2 shelves but we now needed to add the painted papers we have been making as well as some mixed media paraphernalia. We will all have to bunch up somewhat and I intend to have us all working on that next lesson.
This has been a worthwhile endeavour although I suspect it was really all about procrastinating as the goal for the month was garment sewing which is happening (finally) and that will be for next week!
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