Firing on just about ALL my creative cylinders!

First big change was buying a dehumidifier.  What a difference that has made to the hobby room.  I hate being cold!  Kinda freezes me up creatively speaking.

Getting all my Art 101 projects organized involved watching quite a few instructional videos and my appreciation for several artistic styles has skyrocketed and helped me clarify my own personal style.  I also better understand how to use some mediums I hadn't thought much about like chalk pastels to enhance tempera paints.  And oil pastels for outlining!!!  yes!

But the real motivation was having a fellow retreat planner stop by for a planning session.  I had to clean everything up and that's when I discovered how pleasant a dehumidified space was.  We were digging around in my stash looking for fabrics which I kinda knew were in there somewhere.  Some I apparently gave away- my eye spy bin!, and some I had totally forgotten about- I have an whole herd of elephants!  So that evening and the following day I took it all out and revamped it.

I had containers of fabrics for seasonal quilts for the whole house plan of the old farmhouse.  Much works but I have less rooms.  So I happily made new plans and I have a few that will be 'just because' projects.  I luv making up medleys of fabric. I don't necessarily have a pattern in mind but if I am wanting a project the fabric combo is gathered.  They are great 'kick starts'  and if  they never catch  and run they can be split up and sent to new projects.  But I am happily reacquainted with everything and my motor is running!

Fall tree planting is completed which was a good thing as we have had a lot of rain.  Watching my new landscape partner on his handy dandy tractor has just opened up all kinds of ideas that I couldn't do on my own.  This was such a good year to get a good foundation laid for future development.

Bulbs have been ordered and the Apricot Forest is going to be amazing come next spring.

The arbor was put into its place.  We called in the neighbour and the 3 of us took turns holding it up to get it to the right height.  It was just too tall.

When we went to order a culvert for the 'wishing well' site, we stopped for lunch at a newly renovated and reopened corner gas station.  I just luved what they had done.  It is exactly the look I am going for.

 Back to my stash for enamel ware and those pine shutters I had never used!  Surely the plank we have drying out in the shop is ready for sanding!  I even have the same brackets!

I am the main facilitator for the style club for the month of September.  The theme is a rerun of Thrifted, Gifted, Make-do and Mend.   I have my pile of mending by the sewing machine and some ideas for making - do.   I put all my material for tote bags in one container.  Tote bags are easy to make accessories.  Embellishing garments is just knowing some basic stitches and using decorative thread.

Now to move from idling my motor to full revs!


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