Summer style samplings

First day of summer and the sunrise position has been noted and recorded in the garden journal.  Hopefully I will remember to catch the sunset.

The flower bed for the bulk of the summer blooming flowers is being prepared for next summer.  It is taking up most of my time because there is a trellis wall separating it from the driveway. How open should it be? 

And I think I have a gate figured!  Not that I know how to make the gate but I have the idea!

I was off to Border Vintage to look for yard accessories and didn't quite find anything for the yard but the kitchen cabinet will certainly benefit from the retirement mug and brass pitcher!

I need to switch up the cooler aquas and greens from spring to pinks, yellows, maybe some violets.

I am thinking about the summer wardrobe.  Denim is a given and yet I like to keep the darker denim for fall so white will be seen a lot as I have lost my fear of stains.  No doubt they will happen and I will be mindful of choosing vanilla, which I do like, over rainbow or Tiger Tiger!   But life is too short to forgo white!  I am looking for a nice straw bag to go with my new Tilly hat!

Those are the samples and now to partake of all the courses!  Happy summering!


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