
                                                                  DAISY DAYS

The pasture we bought had not been mown.  The wild flowers were all through it.  many I'd never seen before.  Our field was certainly not as full as the neighbours but who doesn't luv daisies!  Apparently the building inspector, who is also the weed inspector.  They are a weed?  Really???

A better shot of my Painted Japanese fern.  The emergence and over wintering of this one has encouraged me to consider others.  I luv ferns and hostas together.

This will be a large pink lady slipper.  I can't find the ones in the front ditch.  This one may be a bit earlier.

The kids found a line of lilacs in the back bush. It meets the line of caragana at a corner post.  The small maples are also spreading amongst the pines and spruces.  Lady's Slippers are showing some bigger ones.

 and there are other surprises waiting to be seen.

Siberian iris "Snow Queen" started to bloom beginning of week and now...

The white campanula clips are setting bud.

the dirt is being spread for the side yard.  the last apricot has finally broken bud!  phew! Next is to coat the forest floor with wood chips.

I think the cut worms got a lupin.  They are very bad this year.   But I see the peony is showing white petals.  Something to look forward to!


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