The Creative Personality

The first time I took the Briggs Meyer personality test I didn't exactly get it.  Interesting but...

I got on with my life and one thing led to another and I circled back to the personality test only this time I had a 'hook' that I could relate to.  I was not quite expecting all the synapses in my brain to spark quite so much!  Understanding how I think/work has been totally validating, freeing and gives me the confidence to just 'Go For It!'.

I do think everyone is creative.  Some find it sooner than others and some develop it more than others.  I am a late bloomer who is now exploring all things creative.  I also understand better how creativity leaks out in all kinds of ways.  It can't be denied.  But it does need to be expressed.


As I approached my 7th decade I had dabbled in all kinds of creative exercises and techniques.  To prepare for the future I decided to upgrade my physical appearance.  I discovered  an whole lot of us 'over the hill' gang and learned that personality trumps style rules.  I also rediscovered the Briggs Meyer personality test.  Now my outside reflects my inside and rather than doing/copying creative things I am being creative.  Such a difference.  Now I know why I I don't like kits and rarely finish group projects with a predetermined end look.

I am an INFP  This means I am an introvert who charges my batteries with alone time.  I am intuitive and don't confuse me with facts.  I 'feel' things and just because it makes sense is no indication I will do it.  I am a perceiver and  if it seems right I'll travel along but to the sound of my own drum.  Going with this waterway is way less frustrating than swimming up stream and getting caught in the fish traps!

The Style Statement by Carrie McCarthy and Danielle LaPorte explores various areas of our lives and suggests  you find two style words to live by.   ie) live by your own design.

I  inquisitive
N   nonchalant                                 Translates into unExpectedly Playful
F flexible
P playful

So when I wake up I am going to snuggle deeper and think about what I feel like wearing.  My new pink tee that says Big Ideas have small beginnings comes to mind.  Feels like a good start to the day.

After my morning abolutions and breakfast are over I am going to add 'change the hutch to spring things' to my household chores.  Asymmetrical, of course.

I am on a roll with the quilting UFO's and will ride that bus until...  yup, I have squirrel tendencies, for sure.

During coffee break I will flip through my landscape books and watch the snow, ice and water recede.  I think a clump of water luving shrubs just may look good in that low spot! The question  'what if' drives me for sure.  But I do need to be sure as I may move trees but' he who digs' is less inclined!  lol

I leave culinary creativity to my man.  I have more important things to consider.  Free form embroidery could work for our evenings if I can resist my eclectic library!

How does your creative personality roll?


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