It takes a village...
Another sampling of life in Sundown! We are creating a village! We need a few sheds to accommodate some of our stuff and a few of our enterprises. One shed was built first year, the garden shed. Some garden stuff but lots of other stuff. One couldn't walk in very far. It was to house riding lawn mower but with cleaning out the garage it can now go there. This is the Mayor's manor and will be the yellow area of my garden. Its my potting/garden shed but I am really getting excited about fixing it up when my Builder gets his own shed done. I have a lovely thrifted window and door and plans for white paint in the interior. The Mayor's wife likes to garden (and decorate) so she already has a plan to shield the 'back lane' from view. Gooseberries! The 'Mayor's hobby will be a bird house building so I will be putting some fence posts in this garden. Fate- I already found the birdhouses! The Supply store/yar...